Guess: Boy or Girl?
You know the unmistakable feeling that it’s almost Friday? We’re in a spot in the process of adoption where it’s ‘almost Friday’ and it feels really really good! Let me fill you in. This week we clicked submit on an application- the giant one with all the info that...

What’s Next
If you read our previous post you know that we had to start our adoption process over from the beginning, so we’re working our way through all the introductory hoops. We’ve completed pre-applications, information info, read policies, reread policies, and attended a...

Here’s Where We Are
It’s about time for an update on adoption number 2. Here goes! For our adoption of Solomon we used Bethany Christian Services as our adoption agency and LOVED THEM. So, when we began to pursue adoption again we started the process with them, but they have recently...

When Growing Your Family Isn’t Easy
If you haven’t already heard, our little Missuhsipee family is planning to grow again! We are in the the early stages of adopting another baby and we are simply over the moon! When I wrote to you guys over three years ago announcing our first adoption I mentioned that...

Adoption #2
We are wildly excited to announce that we are adopting again! Three years ago we began our first adoption, which brought home our incredible son, Solomon. Having him home has been the most fun thing we have ever experienced. We are over the moon to start the process...

We must must must start with THANK YOU. There is no way to fully express the extent of our gratitude. You guys are simply the best. You’ve mailed us secret cash in the mail (which was completely AWESOME whoever you are), bought more t-shirts than you...
New Year, New Haircut!
We had such a good response to our hair fundraiser and we can't thank you guys enough. In case you didn't know, it's now over and my mother's haircut won! Here's a video of me getting my hair cut by my mother's stylist, Pam Hodges. She nailed it. Below are a few...

Thank You and Christmas Deadline
Raven and I have been blown away by the support we've received from you guys as we start this adoption process. We've sent out loads of shirts and have even more to send out. It means a ton to us that you are helping us bring home our baby. Though you guys are buying...

Cutting the Hair
I'm cutting my hair and you get to decide! I've been wanting to cut my hair for quite some time. The issue is, I'm really indecisive on this matter and have no clue what I'm wanting to do. So here's what we're doing: we're putting it to a vote! You can click here to...

Tis The Season Street Stroll
We're excited to be in Bogalusa, LA this weekend at the Tis the Season Street Stroll. For those of you who don't know, Paul's Grandfather, Carl Cutrer, Sr. owned and operated Red Bird Ice Cream where he manufactured and sold ice cream for more than 40 years. To...